Festival feelings… Sunrise Celebration 2012

Never before has a festival been so inappropriately named.

My daughter asked: “Daddy, why did they call it Sunrise when the sun didn’t rise?”


Didn’t see much music, waded through lots of mud, liked what I saw of the festival except the mud. Seriously, it rained all weekend. Apparently the sun came out on Sunday. We left Sunday morning along with a whole heap of folks. (Thanks to those who pushed our van out of the mud. So sorry yours’ got stuck!)

The Tibet Village was a lovely refuge from the elements. And the Triban and Small World tents provided relatively dry, boots-free zones. The pub by the Spit and Sawdust stage was very cool too – one of the best I’ve seen at a festival.

Man, it was hard work with two under-fives traipsing through the gloopy mud. A few years ago I might just have loaded up and partied on but I didn’t see too many people doing that. The main arena (Carnival Stage) was pretty much deserted whenever I wandered by. Chai Wallahs had more of a vibe as it did, at least, provide shelter.

As we traipsed by with babes on backs, one cheery festival goer exclaimed: “You guys are hardcore!”

Thank you. That was probably the highlight of my festival. Unfortunately we didn’t feel very hardcore. When the van left the field and hit the tarmac we let out a huge sigh of relief.

God, I hope this weather improves!!!


Where: Bruton, Somerset

When: June 21st – 24th, 2012

How much: £122 + £33 for campervan

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